Thursday, September 5, 2013

10 Important Tips For A Healthy Relationship

Image result for healthy relationship

1. LOVE:
The Special Feeling That Makes You Feel, All Warm And Wonderful.
Treating Others As Well As You Would Like To Be Treated.

14 Things You Didn’t Know about KISSING

Kissing – the most beautiful way of expressing your love. There are so many different ways to kiss, depending on who you’re kissing. But there are 14 Things You Didn’t Know about KISSING that will make your mouth open in amazement. (Yes, I get the pun, there…) Learn these things and they’ll leave you wanting to kiss more and wanting to quit kissing altogether at the same time!

Friday, August 23, 2013

When your best friend interviews for her dream job—and doesn't get it:

"You are more than this situation. You are more than this job. You are more than your work life." Don't waste her time with any dreck about how this job wouldn't have actually been her dream job. That's not nearly the point. You know it. She knows it. And that cannot be helped. But what you can help her with is regaining her sense of perspective.

When your sister's husband moves out:

You knew your literature major would come in handy eventually; and here it is, finally, the time to quote Rilke. "Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final." We all have moments of pain that seem inescapable.

Friday, June 21, 2013

4 Necessary Values Women Are Rarely Taught

Why do fathers teach their sons to be men while mothers teach their daughters to be wives?
I know I’m generalizing but it’s often true. As men, we have all these insightful laws passed down to us on how to be confident, successful, and our very best. But how many women are instructed from day one to nurture their self-esteem, be independent, and strive for healthy relationships?
I’m grateful for all the female readers who have reached out requesting the same kind of substantial advice I provide for men. So here are four necessary values that I wish more women were taught.
Stop attributing your entire worth to your looks
I understand that the world has told you beauty is everything. Every advertisement, every magazine, and every movie has said it. Even your parents may have had good intentions but their constant reinforcement has left you feeling never enough.
To deny our focus on female beauty in society would be foolish. But chasing an unattainable standard of beauty will leave you miserable. You have to understand that:

25 Things You Should Know About Dating

1. The longer you wait to make the first kiss, the less likely it’ll happen. If you haven’t kissed by the third date, your chances drop significantly.
2. You can be intimate on the first date and still create a healthy relationship.
3. The friend zone happens when there’s a lack of sexual attraction. To avoid it: show your intentions from the start, be more aggressive, flirt, and initiate physical contact.
4. All the lines or routines in the world won’t help if you aren’t confident from the inside.
5. Dating is a numbers game. The guys who are best with women are the ones willing to put themselves on the line as often as possible.